Part I: All Things Utilities
Everything You Need To Know About How Electricity Works ...
... but may have been too embarrassed to ask
- Carbon
- ESG + Corporate Sustainability
- Energy
Practices Engaged
All Things Utilities
PART I of IV: Utility Companies
Welcome to a 4-part series where our Operational Carbon Technical Lead and Licensed Engineer, Ilana Cember, dives into:“(Almost) Everything You Wanted to Know About Electricity But Are Embarrassed to Ask”Understanding the basics of electricity generation, distribution, purchasing, greenhouse gas emissions, and the utility grids is key to understanding how we change any of those to keep our global commitment and meet the Paris Climate Accord. We will go into the “why” for each of these topics as they are covered. Electricity generation makes up 25% of the United States greenhouse gas emissions. 61% of the electricity comes from fossil fuels, mostly coal and natural gas. (i) Figure 1. US Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Sector (2021) (i) TOPICS WE WILL COVER
Part I: All Things UtilitiesWHY?The organizational structure and type of utility companies significantly influence how they respond to changes in policy and regulation, and how these changes are perceived and supported by the public. Most customers receive services from private, for-profit utilities, which naturally have priorities that may differ from goals such as mitigating climate change. There are four main types of utility companies: independent, publicly owned utility (POU), investor-owned utility (IOU), and co-operatives. Although publicly owned utilities (i.e., government-owned) account for the highest number of utility companies, most consumers, about three-quarters, are served by investor-owned utilities (i.e., for-profit), as depicted in Figure 2 and Figure 3. Figure 2. US Electric Utilities by Ownership Type (2017) (ii)
Figure 3. Detailed Breakdown of Power Generation by Ownership Type (2021)
The maps below show the coverage of the utilities and examples of each. INVESTOR-OWNED (FOR PROFIT, PRIVATE)Figure 4. US Map of Investor-Owned Utilities (2023) (iii)
The most recognizable IOU’s may be Pacific Gas and Electric and Southern California Edison Company. While investor utilities are typically governed by a Public Utility Commission (PUC) who must approve rate increases, private companies are beholden to shareholders not customers, creating incentive to raise fees whenever possible. This also disincentivizes adopting less expensive technology or operational solutions to increase the capacity of the grid or renewable generation, as the utility business model places a premium on building and maintaining large assets. Most utilities make money through a regulated process in which they can charge customers to cover costs plus a guaranteed profit, so low-cost investments do not result in increased fees (and profit). (iv) While California is almost exclusively supplied by IOU’s, the region has the lowest completion rates for connecting renewable energy to the grid. (v) I’m sure many of our clients who have worked with these utilities have many opinions on the quality of their customer service! Governments are taking notice; for example, the federal government plus twenty-one states recently introduced a grid upgrade initiative, focused on low-cost investments that increase grid capacity (vi) and Colorado created a law mandating their IOU invest in grid upgrades and improve grid connection rates (vii). Figure 5. Renewable grid interconnection completion rates (viii)
PUBLICLY OWNED (FEDERAL, STATE, OR CITY)Figure 6. US Map of Publicly-Owned Utilities (2023) (ii) The largest POU besides Puerto Rico is the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power. Utility commissioners or typically elected or appointed by an elected official, as shown in Figure 7. In general, publicly owned services are beholden to the voters/residents. Figure 7. US Map of POU Governing Body (ix)
COOPERATIVESCooperatives (co-ops) are non-profit, member-owned utilities. As you can see in the map below, co-ops cover a lot of land area and were specifically created to ensure utility service in more rural areas. Figure 8. US Map of Cooperative Utilities (x)
Utility Supply and RestructuringWHY?We cannot talk about the energy grid without talking about procurement which necessitates expanding on the utility structures shown above. Utility GridsThere are two main aspects of the electricity grid – generation and transmission/distribution, shown in Figure 9 below. Generation, aka the power plant, could be coal-fired, natural gas-fired, nuclear-powered, or renewables like solar, wind, or hydro. The power plant takes any of these fuels and turns them into electricity. (The impact of fuels on the grid and power production will be discussed later.) This electricity then gets sent (transmitted and distributed) across the country where it is used. The large transmission lines are at an extremely high voltage, which can be dangerous when not managed properly. (PG&E, the largest IOU, if you recall above, has allegedly been responsible for over 30 wildfires caused by transmission lines. (xi) The electricity is finally modified to lower voltages for distribution to customers. Figure 9. Electricity Grid Diagram(xii)
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) produces the emissions and generation resource integrated database (EGRID), as shown in Figure 10 below. (Map limited to contiguous states for convenience.) Figure 10. US Map of EGRID subregions (xiii)
These regions generally line with the US electric power regions, shown in Figure 11 below. Note that ERCOT (Electric Reliability Council of Texas) is its own interconnection, which means it (Texas) is separated from the other power regions. This prevented additional power from being routed to the Texas grid during the 2021 winter outage. (xiv) We will discuss Texas’ unexpected progress on renewables grid connection and resiliency later. Figure 11. US Electric Power Regions Overlaid on EGRID Map (xiii xv)
Electricity SupplyIn 1935, the government passed the Public Utilities Holding Company Act (PUHCA). Before this, there was no regulation on electricity charges, supply, etc. The PUHCA involved a key trade-off: utilities received a monopoly, granting them exclusive rights to supply energy and charge for it, while consumers benefited from regulation. This meant that utilities had to meet regulatory requirements and were responsible for the installation, maintenance, and upkeep of the energy supply. Refer to beginning regarding mismatched incentives for private utilities. Beginning in the 1970s with the US Energy Crisis, the regulatory structure started to change, culminating in PUHCA’s federal repeal in 2005 with the Energy Policy Act. The current state of energy deregulation is illustrated in Figure 12 below. It is important to note that energy deregulation only applies to energy generation. The details of how energy is delivered to consumers will be discussed later. Figure 12. US and Canada Map of Energy Choice (Deregulation) (xvi)
Electricity DistributionExamining the regions in more detail, Figure 13 shows some of the high voltage transmission lines, while Figure 14 overlays the powerplants on these transmission lines. Notice how they generally align. For instance, power generated in Seattle might end up in Los Angeles, and vice versa. We will discuss the significance of this alignment when we cover the topic of carbon emissions. Figure 13. US Transmission Grid (xvii) Figure 14. US Power Plants Overlaid on US Transmission Grid (xviii) Written by Operational Carbon Technical Lead Ilana Cember, PE, CEM |
3D Holdings
TimberView Affordable Housing
3D Holdings
TimberView Affordable Housing
Portland, OR
This eight-story multi-family affordable housing development provides Northeast Portland with 112 much-needed units and a 3,000-square-foot commercial area. Special energy measures will secure incentive funding from the Portland Clean Energy Fund.
Practices Engaged:
Sustainable Built Environments, Energy
Industry Sectors:
Real Estate Development
Building Types:
Multifamily Residential, Affordable Housing
North American GreenCRREM Assessments
North American GreenCRREM Assessments
Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Michican, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Wisconsin, West Virginia
ABB is a global leader in industrial technology. Across 17 states, Brightworks conducted sustainability assessments on more than 50 buildings in ABB's North American portfolio, including manufacturing, office, and warehousing facilities. An extensive report providing a baseline assessment for each site helped ABB prioritize energy efficiency measures, budget for carbon reduction efforts, and calculate ROI as part of its GreenCRREM program.
Practices Engaged:
Sustainable Built Environments, Carbon, Energy
Industry Sectors:
Manufacturing, Technology (Non-Bio)
Building Types:
Manufacturing, Real Estate Portfolios, Offices (Core & Shell + Interiors)
Abt Global
Office WELL Health-Safety Rating
Abt Global
Office WELL Health-Safety Rating
Atlanta, GA; Cambridge, MA; Durham, NC; Rockville, MD
To help Abt Associates implement COVID-19 prevention measures, Brightworks managed a WELL Health-Safety Rating program for offices in Georgia, Massachusetts, Maryland, and North Carolina in order to minimize the potential for infectious disease outbreaks.
Practices Engaged:
Healthier Built Environments
Industry Sectors:
Professional Services, Research & Development (R&D)
Building Types:
Offices (Interiors)
Ashland School District
School Bond Climate Action Plan
Ashland School District
School Bond Climate Action Plan
Ashland, OR
For this bond-funded facilities program, Brightworks designed project-specific energy efficiency and sustainability measures to align with the City of Ashland’s Climate and Energy Action Plan (CEAP). The project took advantage of Energy Trust of Oregon and City of Ashland incentives for building energy analysis and natural gas energy savings. Additionally, the City of Ashland water department provided incentives for low-flow plumbing fixtures and irrigation systems upgrades.
Practices Engaged:
Government Sector Sustainability, Sustainable Built Environments
Industry Sectors:
K-12 Education
Building Types:
Real Estate Portfolios, K-12 Schools
Modular Construction Embodied Carbon
Modular Construction Embodied Carbon
In an effort to drive carbon reduction for a new, modular multi-family housing development, Autodesk engaged Brightworks Sustainability to incorporate carbon considerations into its generative design process. These ranged from carbon sequestration in the landscape to reducing the total embodied carbon in the modular units and site design.
Practices Engaged:
Carbon, Sustainable Built Environments
Industry Sectors:
Building Products & Construction Materials, Manufacturing, Research & Development (R&D)
Building Types:
Multifamily Residential
Benton County
Office Renovation
Benton County
Office Renovation
Corvallis, OR
The remodel of this office building allowed Oregon's Benton County to consolidate departments and demonstrate its commitment to health and wellness. Brightworks worked with the county to refine the project’s sustainability goals and achieve LEED Gold certification and Fitwel 1 Star rating.
Practices Engaged:
Sustainable Built Environments, Healthier Built Environments
Industry Sectors:
Government & Public Service (Local / Municipal)
Building Types:
Offices (Interiors)
U.S. GSA Diplomatic Security OfficeDiplomatic Security Office | Seattle, WA
U.S. Social Security Administration OfficeVan Nuys Office | CA